The Karcher-Sahr House in Pierre was the home of Adeline Karcher, who helped found Women’s Club, Carnegie Library, and Riverside Cemetery. She and her daughter, Marguerite Karcher Sahr--a 1912 graduate of Wellesley College--were also members of the Pierre Political Equality Club working for the state suffrage amendment campaign in 1914. Marguerite also worked on the editorial staff of the state suffrage newspaper, the Messenger, during that year. In January 1919, Marguerite Sahr was sworn in as reading clerk of the state senate--one of three women to be appointed for positions with the state legislature after the state equal suffrage amendment had passed in Nov. 1918. Built in 1911, the Karcher-Sahr House was listed in the National Register for Historic Places for its architecture in Sep. 1977.