Martyl Suzanne Langsdorf (1917-2013) is best known for designing the Doomsday Clock, a symbol for the potential devastation of nuclear weapons and the apocalypse. It was drawn for the June 1947 cover of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists and can still be found somewhere on the cover. Martyl painted abstract landscapes and still lifes and had nearly 100 solo exhibitions during her eight-decade career. Her works have found homes in the National Museum of American Art, the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden and the Printworks Gallery in Chicago. This image depicts a corner of the Studio where Martyl once worked. See her portrait photo in background! Now a house museum, the Schweikher House Preservation Trust offers guided tours that tell the stories of both Martyl and the home & studio's designer, modernist architect Paul Schwewikher. Between the years 1937-38, Schweikher masterfully created a balanced work/life space in a farm field on the rural edge of Chicago’s urban energy.