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  • Title: Radio in Every Room- Boots Court
  • By: Jennifer Christianson
  • Location: Carthage, MO
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Boots Court is one of those places that makes it easy to imagine yourself in a different time. It is without question one of the coolest and most authentically vintage places we stayed on our entire Route 66 journey in 2017. Sure, the radio and lights aren't original, but there are none of the modern distractions that make it so easy to ignore what’s around you. It’s obvious that the restoration of the motel had been thoughtfully done in an effort to truly recreate the experience of a 1949 traveler. Our room had a radio but not a TV. Why? Because the town of Carthage didn’t get television until 1953. Was the bed the most comfortable we’ve ever slept in? No, but that doesn’t matter when you open the door with an actual key or pull up the era-appropriate chenille bedspread. The best part of our stay, however, was the evening, which we spent playing gin rummy and sipping wine from plastic cups while listening to ‘40s tunes. Definitely a night we’ll remember forever.