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  • Title: Chain of Rocks Bridge
  • By: Elisabeth Lowe
  • Location: Madison, IL
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This is one of my favorite stories to tell! This was my second trip from my hometown Dwight, IL all the way to the Missouri border in Madison. I had seen a picture of the Chain of Rocks bridge from a different angle and I found a way to give that a try. I went to the Mississippi River shore and learned two lessons. One, do not go down to the muddy Mississippi after a day of rain. Two, do not wear flip-flops in said mud. I ended up getting stuck in the mud but ended up taking this picture in that very spot, so being stuck was very much worth it. Having feet coated in mud also gave me the advantage of not having small rocks poke me on the way back to my car. I ended up capturing a gorgeous sunset as well on the way back home.